Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Entry #2- Chapter 2 blog post

In Chapter 2, the author describes a few historical events in Memphis, Tennessee that shaped the way many things are today down there. I feel that there were two events specifically mentioned that were of more significance than the others.
The first historical event is the story of Beale Street and how it came to be. Way back in the day, downtown Memphis was mainly for the white folks. Blacks were usually mistreated and only looked at after the whites were served. As a result of that, the African-American population of Memphis decided to take their business to Beale Street which was primarily run by Jewish and Black businesses. Here, African-Americans felt the equality they weren't getting downtown, so Beale Street became the next hotspot for the Black population. Soon after, it established its famous name with the adaptation of music, food and culture that still stands today.
The second historical event is the protesting that took place by African-Americans over unequal rights and unfair treatment. The most significant figure in this time was obviously Martin Luther King Jr. He was the leader of the pack. He stood for equal rights for not only blacks, but for all people. After spending some time in Memphis conducting rallies, the unthinkable happened. While standing on his balcony, he was assassinated. This marked one of the most significant events in American history and inevitably led to reform in the times to come.
NT-Nicholas Tsichlis

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