Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Blog Entry: Darek Niemeic

On page 16 of It Still Moves, Petrusich begins to ask questions on the origin of American music. One of the steps to inquiry is to ask questions and consider why things are the way they are. She asks plenty of questions such as, "where did they start?" "How do the places we come from influence the sounds we make?" Clearly these questions are the beginning to her inquiry.

Another step to seeking and valuing complexity is to take in multiple points of view, and I feel that she does a good job of this in chapter 2. She tells an extensive story on the history of Memphis and the history of the blues there. She avoids putting I in the story which makes it seem like it is another point of view. Petrusich said that in chapter 1 that music was created by Alan Lomax and in the south, but from this story it says that music was created in Memphis. A good example of using two different point of views.

Another thing to keep in mind when talking about inquiry, is to be respectful of the ideas of others. With both stories that she tells in the first two chapters she seems to be extremely respectful of both stories. She never says witch story is right or which one is better, she just tells it like it is. She respects both story ideas, another good step to joining an academic conversation as it says in the book From Inquiry.

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